Harokopio University
Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
Email: manios@hua.gr
Web: http://www.hua.gr
The Harokopio University in Athens, Greece consists of four departments. One of these departments is the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, which offers high standards of graduate and postgraduate education covering all aspects of human nutrition and clinical nutrition science. Within this department, Dr Yannis Manios heads the Nutritional Assessment, Health Promotion and Counselling research group. This group has considerable experience in studying the prevalence and interactions among behavioural, demographic and physiological indices leading to the development of obesity and chronic disease risk factors in children and adolescents, and developing and implementing intervention programmes aiming to prevent these major health issues. The group also offers its services and expertise to governmental and non-governmental agencies on issues related to the development and implementation of nutrition policies.